
Love and other Drugs Movie

Love and other Drugs movieLove and other drugs is quite a decent comedy as well as a romantic film that despite of the great performances by every actor, fails to make it recognize itself in the industry. Films start with a fresh and new approach to genre, but as the film goes on, the script gets just too much complicated and ultimately it can be called as the jack of all, master of none. The main flaw in the film was its approach.

For giving a new approach to the film, the story just gets too complicated by involving different satire such as medical industry, awareness of living with disability and talking on social issues. These all are quite diverse and separate issues which are tried to blend together in love and other drug, which weakens the story of film quite badly resulting in the flat fall of the movie.

Love and other drugs is basically about a salesman, Jamie, climbing the stairs of pharmaceutical world quickly. He is quite charming guy which really serves his cause especially with ladies. Twist comes when Maggie entered in the movie, who quickly catches eye of Jamie. Maggie with his past has a character of not being tied down by any one. Jamie is not easily accepted by Maggie and has to go through hard tests before being accepted by Maggie. The relationship between two in the early stages was purely sexual giving director comfortable space to steam up with great number of sex scenes. The relationship between two gradually develops till they realize that they have quite a similar nature and are quite a perfect match for each other.